
Managing a Daycare Tips

May 2, 2023

Managing a daycare can be a rewarding but challenging experience. It requires a combination of business acumen, childcare expertise, and people skills. Here are some tips for managing a successful daycare:

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Avoid These Common Mistakes as a New Daycare Business Owner

April 12, 2023

Starting your own daycare business is an exciting and rewarding journey, and with the right moves, it can be a lucrative one as well. However, it can also be stressful if you don’t know what to expect. When you don’t have the right tools to start with, it’s easy to make mistakes that seem small at first but actually have a big impact. Lilypad outlines a few things to avoid when you’re starting your first daycare.

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Parent Communication in the Childcare Center

April 11, 2023

Child care provider and parent communication is essential for a successful childcare arrangement. When parents and providers communicate effectively, it helps to ensure that the child is safe, happy, and learning.

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